Sunday, September 10, 2006

-Remember September 11, 2001-
I thought this was a nice picture, it is simple and yet so strong in its message. If we dont remember what happened that day, if we continue to live our lifes like nothing ever happened to us, some day it will happen again-we must remain vigilant.
To all brother and sister firefighters and public safety personnel out there-Be Safe!
To all military personnel-Thank you for your strength and dedication in protecting us, the American people!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 3, 2006: SBFD vs. FDNL-Rained out? Sort of, unfortunatly a full team couldn't be fielded on the opposing being a large a mixed game/practice was held instead. This went very well and another game is being scheduled. Hopefully when the next one is scheduled the sun will prevail!!! Thanks to all those who participated!!